
May 16, 2011

Secretary Writing Desk

Friday I was scouring craigslist and found this beauty!  I knew it would be perfect for a small spot by my kitchen.  I have been on the hunt for months for the perfect skinny lil something and I am so glad my hunt is over!  It is only 12 inches deep and that is what I need.  I was so relieved when the lady responded and said it was mine.  I emailed the hubby directions and he went and picked it up!  I can't wait to finish it this week and get it in its new spot!  Best part of all I paid $45!   

I hope everyone has a great Monday!  :)

1 comment:

  1. I want a secretary SOOOO bad! I have the perfect color chalk paint... Come on Craigslist, I need one now!
